Crimson air
The setting Sun hides the horizon
And the deep blue beckons
Into its uncharted waters
We venture on a downward descent
Not by choice; but coerced by
With little equipment to keep at bay
What monsters lay
hidden in the depths
An inexplicable paranoia grips our minds
A lurking aqueous
Not a fear of the unknown
But a vivid description of
In all its gloriful torment
Then we see out of the little glass pane
A moving mountain
A colossal horror staring back
Into eyes of fear and mania
So far removed from God
Yet just as powerful in persuasion
Such that to sacrifice others to it
Is not any more a conflict
of morality
In stance of the greater good
And so I stare in fixed compulsion
Too far gone
by whatever void
That foul thing slithered out of